We are a family-owned and operated Wine Importer, focusing on small production vignerons, who farm ethically and who produce authentic wines. Our producers are about as far from a luxury wine estate as you can get. There are no fancy on-site tasting bars, lounges, patios or restaurants. There is a cellar, perhaps a barn for equipment, the vineyards, and honestly crafted wines.
Each vigneron we represent has a deep connection not just to their vineyards, but to the diverse flora and fauna that help give life to the vines. These vineyards are active, living ecosystems, and our producers toil daily to ensure that this harmony is not interrupted. We believe the best wines come from healthy grapes, grown using Organic or Biodynamic principles, fermented using natural yeasts and crafted in the cellar with minimal inputs.
We are fortunate to represent the wines of these dedicated vignerons, and we are honored to bring not only their wines to your table but also their stories.
In our experience the most interesting wines come from vignerons who believe that the wine is made in the vineyard. They do not rely on synthetic pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers, but instead take a holistic approach to cultivating their vines.
Whether certified Biodynamic, Organic or merely applying these principles, these producers have a respect for nature and believe in the importance of preserving the land for future generations.
We do not hold Biodynamic or Organic certification as a requirement because with certification comes a set of rules and dogma, which can get in the way of creativity and intuition. However, what we do expect from our vignerons is an honest and ethical approach in the vines and in the cellar, with the goal of translating the raw materials of each vintage into something unique in the glass.
Unlike large wine estates, our producers do not strive to make a homogeneous product in each vintage. Their wines are a unique reflection of the challenges experienced throughout the year. Whether it be forces of nature such as frost, hail and vine pests, or something as simple as a broken-down tractor, there’s a constant struggle.
It takes patience, persistence and support of a community to successfully produce high quality wines while embracing these challenges.
For us, each bottle represents a year in the life of the vigneron and his or her family. Unlike other agricultural products, wine has a way of connecting us to the place and to the fascinating people who nurtured the grapes from vine to bottle. As an importer, we feel an immense responsibility to tell the stories of our vignerons who toil year after year to produce honest, soulful wines that reflect the nuances of each vintage.
We believe one of the greatest pleasures in life is the communal experience of gathering around the table to share a meal with friends, family or complete strangers. While wine is not required, we find that when wine is part of the meal, the experience is much more fulfilling. The food tastes better, the conversations are longer and the subject matter more interesting.
When we open a wine bottle from one of our vignerons, we know that the feeling of community extends further than those seated at our table.
We look for wines that are lively, balanced and have a unique purity of fruit.
We seek out vignerons who passionately craft distinct wines from the raw materials that nature provides them.
We gravitate towards growers who respect and embrace the interconnectedness of the diverse flora and fauna within each vineyard.
There’s a lot that goes into the selection of the wines and vignerons we import. While we have made it a point to only work with vignerons who farm ethically, there are many other variables that must be considered for a truly unique-tasting wine. At the end of the day, what we are seeking most in our wines is balance.
We define a balanced wine as one with:
Our wines are not over extracted or oaky and are often but not always lower in alcohol. Each aspect of the wine should complement without overpowering the others.
We believe wine is most beautiful with no makeup, meaning low intervention in the cellar. This approach is only possible when a vigneron is working with healthy grapes from a living vineyard.
Check out the “Find our Wines” page for a listing of the Wine Retailers and Restaurants in Virginia and Washington, DC who support our vignerons.